Automobile Crash Policy Limits Settlement

December 2023

Davidson Law recovered $100,000.00 in policy limits from the at-fault driver's insurance in a case that it took over from counsel who did not pursue the case in over two and half years. We were hired to take over the case and within four months received the tender from the insurance carrier of their policy limits for injuries sustained in a disputed liability crash that occurred in Helena, Alabama resulting in post-concussive syndrome for our client in the most conservative county in Alabama, Shelby County. We started from square one, developed the case, gathered the evidence including finding a critical witness from 2018, and moved the case to settlement. 

Practice area(s): Personal Injury

Court: Shelby County, Alabama

C. Brian Davidson

PRACTICE AREAS Florida Supreme Court Certified Circuit Mediator Automobile Crashes Commercial Vehicle Crashes Motorcycle Crashes Wrongful Death Defective Products  Slip/Trip and Falls Maritime Incidents Brain Injuries Construction Contractors OUR APPROACH I am a different kind of ...